Irish-Celtic Mysteries
Year-and-a-Day Program
October 2022 – November 2nd, 2023
The Irish-Celtic Mysteries is a deep dive into the Celtic mysteries in respect to Ireland. Grow with our community for the year, and join us for the 2-week pilgrimage to Ireland during the Fall Equinox.
Are you hungry to infuse yourself in the living, timeless, and bioluminescent Celtic Twilight?
Come join us for a year and day in the sacred grove of
Solas Geal na hEireann – the Light of Erin.
Come home to Ireland…


By the end of the year, participants have a solid and broad foundation in the Celtic mysteries (both pre-Christian and Christian) as they relate to Ireland within a natural, geologic, cultural, mythological, intuitive, and historic context. In addition, everyone develops a strong understanding of Irish-Celtic symbol, myth, and contemporary ceremony. We go deep! We play! We enjoy saturating ourselves in the essence of all things Celtic and beyond. Each person develops a keen sense of place within themselves and working within a group.
Everyone who completes the program may receive a certificate in the Irish-Celtic mysteries as a Bard of the Seanchaí Peregrini, an initiate and Celtic wisdom keeper. You will also be prepared to help mentor other initiates in future years. If you choose to continue to study with us and pursue deeper levels as an initiate, the next two levels of the initiate of the Seanchaí Peregrini, are Fili and then Ollamh respectively. In upper levels, we choose collectively where we will be traveling in the Pan-Celtic world (Wales, Scotland, Switzerland, Isle of Mann, Brittany, etc).
An orientation call will be held a few weeks before our first weekend together at Samhain, the beginning of the Celtic year. We meet as a group four times during the year for the cross-quarter holidays for an entire weekend. We meet on the weekend closest to the holiday and often corresponding with the dark or full moon. During these weekends together, we dive deeper into topics discussed in the online forums, as well as work on hands-on projects and a respective ceremony to the seasonal holiday. We also will meet in an online forum monthly. Specific topics we focus on include but are not limited to the following:
Irish Year & Respective Sacred Sites
Morrigu, Bridgit, Anu/Áine & Macha Mysteries
Irish-Celtic Ceremony
Ogham – Language of the Trees
Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine & Lughnasa Mysteries
Ages of Ireland
Contemporary Irish Culture
Path of the Bard
Celtic Knotwork
Ecology of Ireland
Reciprocity & Riddles
Geology & Geomagnetism
Megalithic Sites
Song & Prose as a Sacred Path
Life with the Good People
Pilgrimage – Walking the dragon lines
Finding Sacred Centers
Belonging & the Art of Intuition
Everyday Pilgrims
Graduation & Passing of the Torch
Learn traditional Irish lore, mythology, and spiritual practices.
Refine second site, dreaming, and journey techniques to the Otherworld.
Hone understanding of Irish-Celtic symbols and language.
Participate in cross-quarter ceremonies.
Embody the Irish-Celtic wheel of the year, the medicine circle, and relationship with sacred sites.
Harmonize your ancestral Irish-Celtic heritage (or dreamline/spirit lineage).
Refine second site, dreaming, and journey techniques to the Otherworld.
Learn Irish chants, songs, and drumming.
Cultivate a keen understanding of the Irish-Celtic worldview – traditional and contemporary.
Hone understanding of Irish-Celtic symbols and language.
Participate in cross-quarter ceremonies.
Learn the craft of creating traditional Irish votive offerings (seasonal and non-seasonal).
Become a tobar (holy spring or well) steward/guardian.
Embody the Irish-Celtic wheel of the year, the medicine circle, and relationship with sacred sites.
Harmonize with the Irish-Celtic seasonal relationships, personal sovereignty, and land stewardship.
Grow in community with our grove sanctuary, Haltia Haven, in Highlands, NC.
Access your tree oracle through the ogham and relating with Haltia Haven’s ancient forest.
Cross-quarter holiday weekend Óenachs, immersions, and retreats.
Harmonize your ancestral Irish-Celtic heritage (or dreamline/spirit lineage).

Caveat (Kiss of the Fae)
The list of topics is intended for all practical purposes to act as a general guide and will be covered, but the Fae have a way of bending time so that we must be prepared to forgo the format at any given point in order to respect the magic of the Otherworld. The purpose of this journey through the year of the Irish-Celtic Mysteries is to cultivate a strong relationship with the Irish-Celtic worldview while refining our intuitive craft. The invitation is to “climb a mystery everyday”…to become a Seanchaí Peregrini, a bearer of timeless lore while ever questing life’s riddles.
We use segments of several books throughout the program with reading assignments prior to the online forums each month. A list of books that we utilize and you should purchase will be provided upon acceptance into the program. Other reading will be provided throughout the year in print or PDF format. Several films will be suggested for viewing prior to several of the online forums.
Assignments include monthly reading, family tree/ancestor research, a research paper/project, and a telling/presentation at Beltaine (open to friends and family to participate). Monthly reading should be complete before meetings. Research papers/projects are due at Imbolc. Topics and personal expectations are discussed during our first weekend together for Samhain. The emphasis of the research paper/project is to delve deeply into one of the ancient Celtic deities, archetypes, saints, and sídhe in respect to the sacred Irish landscape. Additionally, each person individually dives into a deep tracking of at least one branch of your family tree, whether you have any Irish heritage that is known or not is not important. We follow the trail to the illuminate ones who have gone before us and draw it close in the Celtic twilight.
Irish-Celtic Mysteries Details & Logistics
Program fee is $5,500.00.
Deposit of $500.00 is due by September 21st
+3.5% Paypal fee per transaction
Full Price - Year-long
Deposit Only

Full Price

For more information, application and registration:
Payment can be received via PayPal (which also offers payment plans), credit card, or via check made out to “Inchanted Journeys”. The balance can be paid in portions over the ensuing months and is due to paid in full by August 1, 2021. After October 12th, 2021, deposits and fees are non-refundable. The cost includes all online programming, the four cross-quarter weekends in the Asheville area, and meals during the cross-quarter weekends. This cost does not include the price of books, reference materials, accommodations in Asheville if you require them (though we will do our best to help you find a host to stay with), and travel to/from Asheville.
In respect to the travel to Ireland portion of the program, the price includes all accommodations, breakfasts, entrance fees, transportation between sites, land use fees, and a couple of dinners. You will be responsible for most of your own lunches and dinners, though we will all eat together at local markets and restaurants.
You are responsible for your own flights to and from either the Shannon International Airport (SNN) or the Dublin International Airport (DUB) from your home city. We will determine which airport we will use as we chart our course in the upcoming months. The cost is also for double occupancy rooms in Ireland. If you wish to request single occupancy rooms, plan on speaking with Jeremy as there will be an additional cost for a single room. We limit the group size for intimacy, geometric, and travel purposes.
IMPORTANT: For the Ireland Immersions program, the two-week retreat in Ireland is not a superficial bus stops tour at popular sights. We will be based out of retreat centers, castles, and family-run B&B’s for 3-4 day periods and often traveling off the known path during our day trips to sacred sites. We are calling for self-responsible and psychologically mature individuals who are ready to dive deep into the sacred journey. A journey of power such as this can be seriously impaired when a traveling companion is whinny, controlling, selfish, or demanding of special attention. If you are a person with high control needs this may not be the trip for you. We are creating a container that allows for timelessness…the true emergence of the Irish-Celtic spirit. Freedom through responsibility and reciprocity are the building blocks of the true sovereign.