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James Mayfield Smith

Is a highly-skilled Somatic BreakThrough coach. James has facilitated BreakThrough work for the past ten years and has led over 40 weekend or week-long residential transformation-focused retreats in the US and abroad. He is a pioneer in harnessing mythic, imaginal, shamanic, somatic, and bio-energetic tools to shift inner landscape dynamics in ways that transform one’s experience of outer circumstances. He provides his unique genius for centered tools to guide you deep into your unconscious to discover the surprising ways that your psyche can assist you in transforming your life. 

As a facilitator of the Wildman Gathering, James uses the power of Story and the tools of Applied Mythology to help men to shift their energy state to become ready for the elemental initiations of this intense men’s weekend. He also uses his BreakThrough tools to help men to deepen their shamanic breathwork Air journey experience. His work with men is a extension of his deep commitment to making the world safer for men, women, and children and in particular, for his teenage daughter, Ella.

James offers individual web-based BreakThrough coaching for Highly Sensitive Holistic Healers and others who are willing to do intense inner work to transform the ways they think, feel, and behave so that they can experience radical shifts in their life.


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