Wendy Billie

I asked myself the questions: “Am I living the life of my dreams? “Are people seeing the real me?” Realizing I couldn’t emphatically say yes, I took a path of self-discovery that lead to major transformations in how I approach life.
I am now blessed to help others live authentic lives as they balance and harness the power of their energy.
Guided by my inner knowing & 21 years on the yoga path, I bring a sacred approach to my teaching & healing work fusing Hatha, Shamanism, Intuitive Energy Healing & the beauty of Yin Yoga. Having always been drawn to nature, I studied with gurus in the Himalaya Mountains of India and it was there I saw clearly my past life as a yogi. Couple with yoga, my shamanic practice began when I was sought out by a shaman named Eddy. He stated I knew “The Way”. Humbled and completely afraid at that time; I now fully embrace my calling as I use my gifts to help students flow with nature’s current; tapping into their inner spirit along with the outer spiritual world. I teach weekly yoga classes in small communities in Minnesota & travel globally leading workshops & retreats.