Invited Talks & Podcasts
Interviews, podcasts, and other invited talks on the Irish-Celtic mysteries, music, traditions, and publications with Jeremy Schewe and other members of the Grove of the Light of Erin. Click on the image next to the description to link to the recording.
Integrative Sexual Health for Men
By Taylor Johnson
"Combining elements of Tantra and Taoist sexuality with western practicality for a grounded, integrated, and comprehensive approach to sexual wellness.."
Guest: Jeremy Schewe
Have you ever felt a primal stirring within - a draw to the wild that seems at odds with our digital, modern world? If so, this episode is for you. The wild man archetype is important... and together we'll explore HOW TO INTEGRATE THE WILDMAN into our every day life - in sex, business, relationship, community, etc...
Keywords: wildman, wild man, archetype, nature, modern, work, sex, traditional knowledge, relationships, anxiety, remedy, men, men's work, Celtic, shamanic, multi-faith, Aisling, European, heritage, 21st century...
Rebel Spirit Radio
By Nicholas Mather, PhD
"Rebel Spirit Radio explores issues in spirituality, the frontiers of consciousness, the esoteric, and humanity’s sacred relationship with a living earth."
Guest: Jeremy Schewe
In this interview, Nicholas is joined by author, ecologist, and community activator Jeremy Schewe to discuss his book Aisling: Discovering Keys in the Irish-Celtic Mysteries. Jeremy discusses sacred sites and the land as a living expression of the divine, the sídhe and selkies, and the power of being open to a deeper calling.
Keywords: deep ecology, sídhe, aisling, aislingí, Irish, sacred sites, traditional knowledge, selkies, fae, Ireland, Celtic, mysteries, books, publication...
The Folklore Podcast
By Mark Norman and interviewed by Tracy Nicholas
"Bringing world-class experts in the fields of folklore and its associated areas of interest to a wide audience, completely free of charge."
Guest: Jeremy Schewe
Aisling is the Irish for dream or vision, and it may take the form of a vision poem. The genre was developed as a part of the wider Irish language poetry field at the end of the 17th century, going into the 18th. More broadly, an aisling is a vision which connects the seer strongly with the landscape and sacred sites of Ireland.
Keywords: Ireland, folklore, sídhe, aisling, aislingí, Irish, sacred sites, traditional knowledge, poetry, publication...
The Witching Hour
By Eron Mazza
"A podcast about all things witchy and occult! Enjoy listening to featured guests and my own experiences walking the crooked path."
Guest: Jeremy Schewe
In this interview, Eron dives deep into how Jeremy's book, Aisling, came to fruition, while also asking deep questions into the heart of the Irish-Celtic mysteries as they relate to ecology, mythology, and the human-nature interconnection.
Keywords: deep ecology, sídhe, aisling, aislingí, Irish, sacred sites, traditional knowledge, books, publication...